Y A S U T O   S A S A D A
Sasada takes ancient beliefs and mythology that have created a solid base for cultural development and retell its glory into a more contemporary and youthful language. Being  ancient yet  modern perfectly describes Sasada's motivation. Having been brought up in a technologically advanced environment at the same time with great reverence of what has come before him, he draws on the latest innovations of industry and recreates classic imagery to reflect this second love. His latest series is of the horseshoe crab in which he sees the marvel of its evolutionary success as its main structure has gone unchanged for millennia. The series contemplates the minutely evolving infrastructure that is in constant flux, always adapting to the nuances of its environment while maintaining its rudimentary core. His latest work imagines the species from far in the past to present to its distant future. In a simplified manner, Sasada breaches the concept of timelessness through its own organic process. His skill, through attention and detail, allows the viewer to literally experience these creatures of imagination as living, where all senses are heightened and a new dimension is realized.

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